
General October 17, 2020

MC / JMB can ban short-term rentals through house rules

On 5 October 2020, the Federal Court delivered its judgment in Innab Salil & Ors v Verve Suites Mont’ Kiara Management Corp. This was a case to determine 2 questions of law: 1. Whether the condominium Verve Suites’ house rules (prohibiting short term rentals) (House Rule 3) override and supersede the express land use on […]

General June 6, 2020

Is Will Writing for me?

Situations like the Covid pandemic have caused many of us to wonder about the transient nature of our lives. Many are beginning to find out what to do, especially with regards to estate and inheritance, if they themselves or their loved ones leave this world unexpectedly. There are already emerging internet platforms out there such […]

General December 16, 2019

e-KYC Exposure Draft

In a move to push forward the financial technology agenda and to increase penetration of digitalisation in the nation, Bank Negara Malaysia (Central Bank of Malaysia) (BNM) has issued an exposure draft on the requirements and guidelines to implement e-KYC for on-boarding individuals to the financial sector. The exposure draft covers various aspects including the […]

General October 18, 2019

Trademarks Act 2019 replaces the old law

The new Trademarks Act 2019 which was passed by the Parliament in July 2019 will replace the Trade Marks Act 1976. The new Act aims to implement the Madrid Protocol which Malaysia has signed late September 2019. The new Act will allow an applicant to obtain trademark protection in other member countries under the Madrid […]

General August 16, 2019

3 Important Amendments to the Companies Act 2016

The Companies (Amendment) Bill 2019 was passed on 10 July 2019. Upon receiving royal assent, the law will be gazetted and become law on the appointed date. This is the first amendment made to the Companies Act 2016 ever since it came into operation early 2017. The main amendments cover the following: 1. Execution of […]